Smart Marketers Need to Look Beyond Smartphones

Smartphones have become so embedded in our lives we forget how new they are. The iPhone was only introduced in 2007, and none of its competitors are much older. It’s true – humanity somehow managed to persevere for thousands of years without emojis or viral cat videos.

But, while smartphones and other handhelds have quickly wheedled their way into our lives, there are small but growing areas where they are losing luster.

CNN reported last year that the sale of e-books had declined nearly 20% in both America and the U.K, while the sale of physical books and journals was on the rise. In fact, the news organization noted e-reader sales peaked back in 2011, then declined 40% in the next five years. And this trend is likely to continue as millennials advance their careers, for this new generation is beginning to love print nearly as much as those that preceded it. Advertising research indicates people not only spend more time looking at print, but later show a greater emotional response to print ads, and remembered them better.

What’s The Perfect Media Mix?

Those of us striving to find the perfect media mix for clients need to pay attention to statistics like these. We need to look at the big trends everyone is aware of, but also not-so-obvious undercurrents amongst smaller groups. The reverse trend of consumers purchasing traditional books and other print is an example of this.

And now, with the “internet of things” – wherein our day-to-day objects like watches, refrigerators, thermostats, and cars are connected – there are opportunities for digital marketing completely removed from laptops or smartphones. Having the internet all around lets us marketers make shopping even more convenient and autonomous. However, the challenge will be in keeping it user-friendly and non-invasive.

Innovation and progress aren’t stopping, and much of the technology embraced today will seem like quaint antiques to our grandchildren.

For instance, way back in the 1880s, wax cylinders were cutting-edge audio technology. By the early 20th Century however, they were replaced by resin and vinyl records. Then, in the late 1980s, compact discs came to dominate the market. Now, of course, it’s not uncommon for audiophiles to keep their music collection entirely on hard drive, or the cloud. Some merely stream what they want to hear, and have stopped buying songs or albums altogether.

Adapting to change isn’t easy, but we need to embrace it.

Your audience habits are changing and so should the manner in which you reach them. If you’d like to chat about growing your brand and reaching your audience more effectively over some rich dark roast, give our New Jersey marketing agency a shout. We could even brainstorm on how to bring wax cylinders back. Contact us today.

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